Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tomato Plant update

The plants are doing well.  The tomato plant is growing and has a few flowers on it.  The Black Lace has also done very well this year.  I don't remember the black lace having flowers last year, but it certainly does this year.  It needs to be trimmed as the driveway, house and other flowers are crowded by the black lace growth. 

The rain barrels are performing flawlessly and we have yet to have a need for water that can't be met by the stored rainwater.  I can't take all the credit; I do have someone that helps water the plants!  You can see her picture below!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Some Updates

It's been a few days since I've made any updates; most of my projects are between the start and upkeep portions.  I took a few pictures today of the projects and plantings just to keep it interesting.  Our flowers bloomed quite early because of the early warm temperatures, so that may lead to some time between the next series of blooms.  We patiently await!

The topsy turvy tomato is showing some signs of new growth.  When it stays above 70 degrees every day I believe this plant is going to really take off.  Notice the new growth is bright green.

Heather planted the flowers in the flower box and they have turned out very well.  The monkey flowers seem to be doing the best.  Aebi made a "grass head" at school and he has taken up residence in one of the planter boxes.  I removed him from the box so you could see his face! 

As for the rest of the yard and flower gardens, things are going well.  There is plenty of water (thanks to the rain barrels) for those plants that require more water than the sky has provided.