Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The "Doggy Doolie"

It has been quite some time since my last post, so I thought this post would be a "two-fer."  We moved from Elizabethtown last summer to a nice ranch style house in Palmyra.    We made some changes outdoors that were mostly aesthetic.  This spring, we have done some things and have things planned that are Earth friendly and sustainable.  So here it goes.

After we settled in to the new house we decided it was time for a dog.  Well of course one was not enough so we added a second after just a few months.  They are Olde English Bulldogges.

L-Maggie     R-Lewie

Just like any other dogs, they eat, sleep and most importantly (to this topic) they poop.  So, the problem at hand was to figure out how to dispose of all that poop.  There is quite a bit and bagging it up to send to the landfill seems like a horrible choice.  Well after a short search we decided to try the "Doggie Dooley."

The Doggy Dooley is a small septic tank used for digesting dog waste.  The process is very simple.  Dig a 20"x20"24" hole in the ground.  Assemble the Doggie Dooley.  Add dog waste and some enzymes and presto chango.... no more bagging dog waste.

Doggie Dooley assembled

Maggie supervising the work

The hole
0.17 cubic yards of dirt
The finished product

One may ask what became of the excess dirt from the hole.  Well, the dirt from the hole, as well as some dirt from excess compost in the flower beds will be used in a raised vegetable garden.

Preparing for the raised vegetable garden
Some pallets have been acquired that will suit our raised garden purpose and we are hoping to have great success with them.  We found a website through Pinterest and we are hoping this will be the outcome.  We are looking forward to getting it together to get our garden started.

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